Author Guidelines

Describe the background of the research topic and the arguments and problems which shape the basis or reinforce that the research is important to execute.

Describe clearly and concisely the literature review that underlies research by describing the theories, findings, and other research materials that form the basis for creating a hypothesis (if there is a hypothesis).

Describe in detail the methods used including, the observed variables, how to measure, the models used, and data collection and analysis techniques.

Describe the research findings briefly, either in the form of narratives, tables, diagrams, graphs, pictures and their interpretations that are related to the literature review.

Summarize the research findings and explain their implications according to the literature review.

Reference writing follows the rules that have been determined which are the American Psychological Association 6th (APA 6th).

There are several provisions that must be considered in writing a publication as follows:

  • The manuscript is typed on A4 size HVS paper;
  • The writing uses Times New Roman 12 for the entire text;
  • The writing is arranged within 1 (one) space;
  • Direct quotes that are more than 5 lines apart from the previous paragraph with a space of 1 (one), while direct quotes that are less than or equal to five lines are written together with the relevant paragraph and are between quotes;
  • Left and right margins are 2 cm, the top margin is 2.5 cm and the bottom is 1 cm from the edge of the paper;
  • Writing space starts from the left margin and ends at the right margin of the writing area;
  • Writing the manuscript is required to use a computer, the writing format requirements such as examples please download;
  • Writing the script is in justified align.

Writing a manuscript must follow the standards of writing scientific papers, namely:
Writing the publication text using Indonesian in accordance with Enhanced Spelling (EYD) or English;
Presentation of material is described in perfect sentences;
The use of words or terms that originate from foreign languages ​​that already have an equivalent in Indonesian must be used, if not already available, the word is italicized.

The author must include the work page referred to. In the text, the work referred to uses the following conditions:

  • Book excerpts in the form of adaptations for one to two authors are written by the author's last name and year. Example: Haidar Nashir is written (Nashir, 2007), Syafarudin Alwi and Sutrisno Hadi are written (Alwi and Hadi, 1999) and page numbers do not need to be written in reference writing;
  • For more than two authors, the writing is added with et al. Examples of Edy Suandi Hamid, Sutrisno Hadi, Syafarudin Alwi, are written (Hamid, et al, 2000);
  • For citations more than two sources are referred to simultaneously. Examples of Syafarudin Alwi and Sutrisno Hadi were written (Alwi, 1991; Hadi, 1994), two or more writings by one author (Alwi, 1997; Alwi, 1998);
  • If the reference list is more than one article by the same author in the same publication year, use the suffixes a, b, and so on after the reference year; Example: (Alwi, 1992a; Alwi, 1992b);
  • Quotations originating from the internet are written by mentioning the name and year. If there is no name, write the website address


  1. Reference Books
    Writing a bibliography from the reference book is determined as follows:
  • Book by one author Aunurrohman, C.2007. Malioboro: Problem Development of Pedestrian Areas and Lying Projects there. Yogyakarta: Student Library.
  • Book with two or more authors Crooks, R. & Baur, K.1997. Our Sexuality (6th ed). Pacific Groove: Brooks / Cole Publishing Company.
  • Works in anthology / collections of books / books Lambert, M.J. & Bergin A, E. 1994. "The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy". In A.E. Bergin & S.L. Garfiel (Eds), Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (pp. 143-189). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
  • The book contains a collection of articles (there are editors) Frey R., Ltruscoot, A F, & Kearse, A.L (Eds). 1976. The official encyclopedia of bridge (3rd ed.). New York: Crow Publishers, Inc.
  • Book with authors and publishers from the American Psychiatric Association. 1994. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Metal Disorder (4th ed) Washington, D.C.
  • An official government document issued by an unauthorized publisher and agency of Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No 20 Tahun 1999, pasal 4(2) tentang ketenagakerjaan (1990). Djembatan IKAPI.Jakarta.
  • Works written with an institution as the author of the Universitas Surabaya. 1994. Pedoman Akademik Universitas Surabaya. Surabaya: Universitas Surabaya
  • Essay (Undergraduate Thesis) / Thesis / Dissertation Ernawati, S.Y. (1992). "Hubungan antara Minat terhadap Pelajaran Matematika dan Inteligensi dengan Prestasi Belajar Matematika pada Siswa Kelas II di SMP Kristen Pengadi Surabaya". Skripsi, tidak dipublikasikan. Surabaya: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Surabaya.
  1. Seminar and Workshop Papers
    The bibliography of the seminar and workshop papers is determined as follows:
  • Hastjarja, T.D. 1991. Pendekatan Psikofisika dan Kognitif terhadap Tingkah Laku Memilih. Prosiding Lokakarya: Perkembangan Terakhir di Bidang Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi UGM. Yogyakarta, 16-19 Juli 2011
  • Translation article Engel, J.F., Blackwell, R.D. & Miniard, P.W. 1994. Perilaku Konsumen I. Alih Bahasa: FX. Budiyanto Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara
  • Article from the professional journal Frick, R.W. (1996). "The Appropriate Use of Null Hypothesis Testing". Psychological Method, 4, 379-390
  1. Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Tabloid Articles
    Writing a bibliography derived from daily / weekly / monthly articles is determined as follows:
  • Article by Author Heru, W. 2006. "Pelibatan Masyarakat dalam Pengaturan PKL (People Involvement in Arranging the Street Vending)", Kompas,15 Maret, 2006.
  • Articles without Author (with the name of the newspaper) Kompas. 1993. "Efective di Rumah dan di Kantor". Kompas, 15 Maret 2011, hlm 50-52.
  1. Articles from the Internet
    Writing a bibliography from daily / weekly / monthly articles is determined as follows: Gorsevski, V., Taha, H., Quattrochi, D. and Luvall, J., (1998). Air Pollution Prevention through the Urban Heat Island Mitigation: An Update on the Urban Heat Island Pilot Project, accessed on 8 February 2012 from
  1. Legislation
    Writing a bibliography that comes from legislation is determined as follows:
  • Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
  • Undang-Undang No. 32 tahun 2004 tentang Otonomi Daerah
  • Peraturan Pemerintah No. 9 tahun 1975 tentang Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang No. 1 tahun 1974 tentang Pokok-Pokok Perkawinan